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C.R. Is a people-made company

The structure of C.R. srl has been developing according to a plain and flexible organisation chart,

to help our customers since their first contact with the company.

A people-made company, made for people.

tel. +39 0377 437021

fax +39 0377 437107

26845 Codogno LODI - ITALY

Via S. Pertini, 6/8 (Z.I.)


e-mail: info@crsrl.com


Administration and

Human Resorurces Dept.

Italian Sales Dept.

Foreign Sales Dept.

Technical Dept.

Production Dept.

Testing & Quality

Purchase Dept.

Marketing Dept.


C.R. s.r.l. - 26845 Codogno (LODI) - ITALY - Via S. Pertini, 6/8 (Z.I.) - tel. +39 0377 437021 - fax +39 0377 437107 - p.iva 01183740198 |  info@crsrl.com