C.R. Factory

The main topic of C.R. company is the design of very special bearings, fulfilling the requirements of plant manufacturers and sophisticated machine builders, with high standard of performance.

In the hearth of Italy

Alberto Trabacchi

Technical & Production Manager

Giuseppe Bollani



Alessandro Bertuzzi

Purchase & Marketing Manager

The technical and structural features of C.R. bearings undergo constant and thorough analysis and test, both regarding quality and technical performance.

C.R. Has a very strategic geographic location.

The factory is in the heart of northern Italy, very near to the most important roads and airports of Lombardy.




Home | Profile

C.R. s.r.l. - 26845 Codogno (LODI) - ITALY - Via S. Pertini, 6/8 (Z.I.) - tel. +39 0377 437021 - fax +39 0377 437107 - p.iva 01183740198 |  info@crsrl.com